Tuesday, July 19, 2016
For several years I have been a recommended Coltsfoot winter wedding photographer. I always enjoy the challenge of photographing a winter wedding and Coltsfoot situated in Datchworth is such a lovely wedding venue very close by to me in Knebworth. Sarah and Matt’s wedding on Friday was quite a late one with the ceremony held at 4:30pm just as darkness was falling.
Sarah looked stunning in her wedding dress and baby Emma was intriqued by all of the people present, enjoying all the attention that her Sarah & Matt were receiving.
Despite the darkness we ventured outside for some photographs around the grounds. Although the weather was a little damp it was quite mild and luckily there was no wind. Sarah & Matt are off for a short honeymoon in Portugal and along with all their guests I wish them a relaxing break in the Algarve sunshine!
Congratulations to you both and I look forward to seeing you on your return,
I am back for another Coltsfoot winter wedding on Saturday, followed by several other winter weddings this year.

If you are looking for a Coltsfoot Wedding Photographer for your Winter, Spring or Summer wedding do get in touch here and we can arrange a visit to discuss your wedding plans in detail. Alternatively email me here
